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After 3 1/2 years of putting up with our daughter coming home from school beaten and bruised, phsically and emotionally. And school officials doing nothing except telling us that "they would take care of it" We finally contacted an attorney who told us that our child's civil rights had been violated and he wanted to sue the Lincoln Rhode Island school department in a Title IX sexual harassment law suit in the federal court.
Before we even got to the trial they settled out of court for an undisclosed amount which turned out to be the largest settlement for this age group in the nation's history.
We are not the first family that this happend to and unfortunately we will not be the last.
Our goal through all of this is to get an anti-bullying law passed nationwide.

We never set out to file suit against the Lincoln, school board, nor did we ever imagine the matter would eventually go on to become a landmark case in our home state of Rhode Island. All we wanted to do was spare our daughter from the physical and emotional abuse she suffered at the hands of her elementary school torturers in the Lincoln RI school system. We were just simple folks leading a simple life, we never imagined that our child was living a hellish nightmare on the pristine grounds at her picturesque elementary school. But soon our daughter's bruises-not to mention her tears-were just too big to ignore. We spoke with her teachers, then her counselors, then her principal, then the school board, then our local police, we were rebuffed at every turn.
From so-called educational professionals who claimed that we were simply "overreacting" to a callous school board that told us "they would look into it" we found ourselves more and more frustrated, even as our child continued to suffer more and more abuse. Eventually we were forced to pull our daughter out of public school and had to enroll her in a nearby private school.
We never set out to be heroes. We never set out to prove right vs. wrong. We never set out to be unwitting celebrities. Yet having been through the fire, literally, of a heated court battle that has made us pariahs in our hometown of Lincoln, Rhode Island, we believe that it is finally time to tell our story, and help others.

TALK TO YOUR KIDS-Ask your kids what's going on at school. Don't be afraid to talk about bullying if you suspect it. Especially as children get older, they may feel embarrassed or ashamed that it's happening, and you'll need to bring it up. Let them know they nothing to be ashamed of. It's not their fault.TAKE BULLYING SERIOUSLY-Often parents think a child may be overreacting, or that what's going on at school is "inconsequential." But it's important to realize that being a target of bullying can affect a child significantly.GET INVOLVED WITH YOUR PTA OR PTO-Find out what's being done at your child's school to stop bullying. Be proactive when it comes to assuring that your child's school has a clear no-bullying policy, and that all staff have been trained in bullying prevention.STAY WITH FRIENDS-One of the best preventive measures against bullying is developing good friendship skills. Not only does this improve a child's overall self-concept, but when a child is with other kids-especially if ther aren't adults around-it's less likely they will be bothered by bullying children.ACT CONFIDENT-Teach your child to stand tall, holding his head up as he walks, and to look people in the eye when he talks.STAY SAFE-Tell your child to try not to e alone in potentially dangerous places such as locker rooms, rest rooms, or empty classrooms.ASK FOR HELP-Teach your child to talk with you or ask a trusted adult at school for help if he or she doesn't know how to handle a situation.LET YOUR CHILD KNOW THAT BULLYING IN NEVER OKAY-Make it clear to your child that under no circumstances is mistreating another person acceptable.BE A POSITIVE ROLE MODEL FOR YOUR CHILD-You are the most important teacher your child will ever have. Children learn by example-from adults. Be sure to teach your child how to treat others with respect by how you act and speak. Teach your child to be accepting of other people regardless of ethnic background, race, religion, sexual orientation, etc. SPEND MORE TIME WITH YOUR CHILD-Make spending quality time with your child a high priority. Get to know who your child is, what his interests are, and have fun with your child. HELP YOU CHILD UNDERSTAND HOW OTHER PEOPLE FEEL-kids who bully have a hard time understanding how others feel. Talk about feelings and ask questions like, "How did you feel when that happend...?" and "How do you think the other person might have felt after that happend...?" STEPS TO TAKE IF YOUR CHILD IS VICTIMIZED AT SCHOOL -always document who you spoke to, the date and time and the incident. (some type of a log) -go by the chain of command in other words teacher then principal, then superintendent KEEP A GOOD PAPER TRAIL!!!!!!!! If it ever gets to the point where you need to go to court, a paper trail is great evidence.

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